
martedì 7 novembre 2017

Teaser Tuesday

Buon pomeriggio readers, su instagram abbiamo raggiunto i 200 followers e come vi avevo promesso, ecco una nuova rubrica, il Teaser Tuesday!
Vi ringrazio davvero tanto perché per me è un traguardo, in meno di un mese da quando ho aperto la pagina e il blog siamo diventati tantissimi!

Ecco qua le regole:
1- aprire il libro che state leggendo ad una pagina a caso
2- pubblicare un estratto (teaser)
3- aggiungere il titolo e l’autore del libro così tutti possono capire di cosa si tratta
4- niente spoiler!

Bene bene il libro che sto leggendo ora è “Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets” di J.K.Rowling.
Libro ovviamente molto conosciuto.
Lo sto leggendo in inglese, perciò l’estratto sarà in lingua, ma se volete una traduzione fatemelo sapere.

“Harry tried not to laugh as he watched Malfoy hurry forward, his head drooping with the weight of a nose like a small melon. As half the class lumbered up to Snape’s desk, some weighed down with arms like clubs, others unable to talk through gigantic puffed-up lips, Harry saw Hermione slide back into the dungeon, the front of her robes bulging.
   When everyone had taken a swig of antidote and the various swellings had subsided, Snape swept over Goyle’s cauldron and scooped out the twisted black remains of the firework.
There was a sudden hush.
"If I ever find out who threw this," Snape whispered, "I shall make sure that person is expelled ".
Harry arranged his face into what he hoped was a puzzled expression. Snape was looking right at him, and the bell which rang ten minutes later could not have been more welcome.
"He knew it was me" Harry told Ron and Hermione, as they hurried back to Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. "I could tell"
Hermione threw the new ingredients into the cauldron and began to stir feverishly.
"It’ll be ready in a fortnight", she said happily
"Snape can’t prove it was you” said Ron reassuringly to Harry "What can he do?"
"Knowing Snape, something foul" said Harry, as the potion frothed and bubbled. “

Pag. 194

Ok lettori, fatemi sapere se questa rubrica vi piace o la trovate abbastanza inutile.
Un bacio e ci leggiamo al prossimo post!😘